UHSSE wins ECE award
Throughout University High School there are a variety of Early College Experience(ECE) classes, with 8 total classes offered: ECE biology, ECE English, ECE marine science, etc.
Recently University High School received an ECE award for being in the top ten of high schools in Connecticut by percentage of students taking an ECE course.
“This award was a culmination of twelve years of work that we’ve done here, it’s been me, the counselors, Ms. Todisco when she got here, Mrs. Baseler, and all of the teachers that are willing to put in the time and effort” said principal Sean Tomany “To get the training, and the degrees, and filling out the application to be able to offer the classes.”
The difference between an Advanced Placement and an ECE class is that when you take an ECE class you automatically receive college credits, which is one of the things that Mr. Tomany likes about the ECE classes. If you are taking an ECE class it means that you are taking a UCONN class.
If you are interested in taking an ECE class you need to be recommended for it by one of your teachers. For example if you are interested in taking ECE bio you need to be recommended by your conceptual physics teacher, or if you are interested in taking ECE English you would need a recommendation from your English teacher.
People who are involved in ECE US History have said that they enjoy the class.
“This class really does give students the opportunity to experience a college level course in eleventh grade, it is an opportunity in that respect, and this class gives students the opportunity to earn six UCONN credits.” said history teacher Jon Bevans.
There is no test you have to take to earn these credits but you have to have a good grade, and individual colleges determine whether or not you receive those credits. Mr. Bevans said that there are very rigorous quizzes which have very strong writing components, and multiple choice components which are based off of discussions in class. And it is a very writing intensive course.
Students have said that they enjoy ECE US History.
“I like learning about the country. I think it’s interesting l how we started off with nothing and now we’re huge.” said Iyanuoluwa Omojola ‘24.
Mr. Bevans said that if students come into the class willing to read and put effort into the course they will succeed. Omojola said that she feels the class has benefited her because she gets college credits, and she said that Mr. Bevans has made her enjoy the class.
If you are interested in taking this class next year you should talk to your civics teacher about recommending you for it, because your counselor cannot put you in an ECE class without a teacher recommendation.