This month our staff spotlight is on Ms. Kara Thomas, the office assistant of UHSSE. She has been working in this building for 15 years and in Hartford for almost 24 years and has loved being here for them all.
When asked her favorite part of her job or why she loves it she went on to explain that it’s us students which make her job so wonderful. She loves seeing the students every day and even when they are just coming in to ask a simple question it makes her day just that much better. She loves the students, parents, and staff and has never really thought that she wanted to change schools. “My favorite thing is the kids. I love seeing you guys and that’s my favorite thing about this whole job. I love you guys,” said Ms. Kara.
Other than her current job, the only other job she ever thought to have was to be a Hartford police officer. Although that dream of hers still goes unrequited, she says that she could not have picked a better job than this one. “I always wanted to be a Hartford police officer, that used to be my dream. I was born and raised in Hartford but, then after getting married and having kids I decided to choose a career which was more safe.” Ms. Kara is a vital part of our school and we are so glad that she loves working here with all of us.