Each month the Union presidents Davy Valez, and Kathy Rodriguez reach out to districts to recognize an officer. There are currently forty three different districts, the district supervisors are asked for a candidate, last month’s Special Police Officer (SPO) of the month was University High School’s very own Biaja Watts. “Officer Watts is very dependable.” said sergeant Gerado Pleasant. “She is very confident, she works a great deal of overtime, with no car, and she walks everywhere with no complaints.” In terms of the award impacting the morale and motivation of the security team sergeant Pleasant said that they are all together, and having your organization go out of their way to make you feel valued for what you bring to the table is very important.
Officer Watts said it felt really good to be SPO of the month. “It’s like coming to work every day, doing your job, and knowing that you are doing your job,” she said. When someone wins this award they know that the people around them feel that they are doing a good job, and officer Watts also said that if you didn’t think you were doing a good job you’re going to think “ok I am doing a good job.” Her goal is to do better every year than she did the previous year. When asked what advice she would give to aspiring security officers who want to work in a school she said “make sure that it’s something you really want to do, because when you work with kids you have to have patience, and you have to know that you’re not just going to be a safety officer, many of us have good relationships with the kids.” A lot of security officers do more than just keep the kids safe, many of the kids ask you for input and come to you for help with something, and you have to know that you really want to do it. She also tries to do what’s best for the school, and make safety decisions for the school. If she ever leaves the school she wants to do the job well so her successor can follow in her footsteps.
The administrators at UHSSE have shown huge support regarding Officer Watts being SPO of the month. “She has relationships with lots of students which is great.” said UHSSE vice principal Jennifer Todisco. “She signs up for overtime to do almost all of the sporting events.” The administrators also consult with her regarding security positions, she’s been here the longest ( three years). There are also safety meetings regularly, and all of the administration and security officers and any other stakeholders meet at the table, to discuss what went well during a drill and what they have to do the next time. Any time a member of the community can be recognized it is a win for everyone.
Teachers have also pledged their support for officer Watts. “I think it’s a great honor for her, it shows all the care and effort that she puts into the school,” said special education teacher Alejandro Rivera.
Students have also shown huge support for officer Watts. “I’m very happy for her, and I think she deserves it since she works so hard every day.” said Munirah Tobin ‘25.
Mr. Rivera said that he feels very safe coming to work every day knowing that officer Watts is here working, because he knows that she is very dedicated to this school and all of the students and staff that attend it. Tobin agrees with Mr. Rivera, and she has also known officer Watts since she was in sixth grade, and feels that officer Watts wants to do what is best for her students and her coworkers.