Now that the indoor track season has come to an end let’s see how it went.All the runners had a good season and enjoyed it. said Victor Wilkins ‘26 “It was a really good season .”
“Overall it was a very successful year for me because I made it to Nationals for West Virginia Adidas.” said Josiah Walker ‘24
It was a really good year for the indoor track team this year. We had many people on the team all of which were great at their individual events and it was amazing to see how even though we all ran different events at different times there was still a great sense of teamwork or unity among us. said Natania Dhanagar ‘27. “They had a lot of different people in different positions. I loved indoor track. I only wish that there were more distance runners, especially since it’s just so much better running in the snow and cold as long as you have someone with you.”
There main goal was to make it to states which most kids accomplished.” My goal was definitely to get States because after the first few weeks I realized that I could actually do it this year I crossed that threshold.” said Wilkins.
Most kids have been influenced to do this sport in many different ways whether it’s by their parents,teachers or old schools. “My dad did indoor track in high school and I wanted to be better than him so I chose this sport and he told me that I should try it out and I ended up loving it so I continued doing it.” said Wilkins.
“I picked this sport because sophomore year Trevor Josh and the other Josh forced me and I was also influenced by food for the position I did last year” said Richard Powell ’25
“I picked this sport because I became very interested in it in 8th grade,” said Chelsea Thompson ’26.
Overall there season has gone very well and everyone is happy with their accomplishments, and the team can’t wait to see how the 24-25 season will go