A lot of teens at University High School of Science and Engineering wonder, why can’t we DoorDash food?
Well, let’s see why not …
UHSSE principal Sean Tomany, has said this is because his number 1 priority is safety because if you walk out to a stranger bringing you food, it is possible for something harmful to happen to you or the school. This puts many people in danger.
Another big reason is because kids don’t usually get it during their lunchtime; it is usually delivered after, which causes them to miss class, which is the main reason as to why you are at school.
A lot of kids also wonder, can my parents bring me food?
Well, here is how Mr. Tomany and the administration feel.
It is allowed but not encouraged. The school can not control what your parents do, but it is not recommended, as most kids go to their lunch wave and wait till the end of lunch to text their parents they didn’t like the school lunch, and then the parents bring them junk food after their lunch wave which is when they should be in class.
Food that is ordered by kids or brought in by parents is not healthy to begin with. School food has to make sure it has a source of protein and other nutrients.
A lot of kids don’t understand why this policy is inputted into the system. “I don’t know the reason as to why this policy is made other than kids keep ordering food and are given consequences,” said Xavier McPhersom ‘27.
As a school community, hopefully we will be able to work together to make posters to make sure every kid understands why this policy is inputted into the system.