Upgraded smart boards get mixed reviews
Math teacher Carson Dunn teaching with the new smartboards.
With the new school year in session, many older students have been wondering. What are these new smart boards? Why do we have them? What happened to the old ones?
Principal Sean Tomany had a lot of information about the recent upgrade.
He said that the school was “in need of an upgrade”. So with the grant for technology University High School received from the district, Mr. Tomany purchased the new smart boards.
When asked about the old boards and projectors, he said, “I was hoping to give them away to someplace like a church”.
“It saves a lot of money” He stated. “Now we don’t have to worry about the projector’s light bulbs blowing out and replacing them.”
The new smart boards have features like built-in wifi. It works like a giant iPad while also being able to project from a laptop or desktop. Although this is a great improvement, some of the teachers would rather have their old boards back.
“I’m not a huge fan of it,” said Amanda Faria, world language teacher. “I wish they would’ve asked the teachers and staff before purchasing it.”
English teacher Jennifer Todisco also was not a fan of the new smart boards. She said that it takes her “15 minutes to load one tab.”
Although there are some setbacks to these new smart boards, hopefully, they will be resolved in the future so teachers can expand and change the way students learn.