Get to know a teacher: Mr. Dunn

Math teacher Carson Dunn stays busy in and out of the classroom.

Mr. Dunn is a math teacher at UHSSE. He has been teaching here at UHSEE for five years since 2018. Teaching here was his first job as a teacher after getting out of college. Mr. Dunn said,”I started teaching here and I actually got my master’s  in education while I was teaching my first 2 years.” He had gone to college at Grinnell College in Iowa, a small school where he had a great experience. He got his master’s at John Hopkins college in Maryland. He had majored in undergraduate mathematics and economics. Mr.Dunn stated that,” I didn’t realize I actually wanted to teach until I was probably a junior in college. Sorta did a summer school camp kind of thing and realized, wow kids are kind of fun…I did a program called ‘Teach for America’, which brought me to Connecticut.”

Last year Mr. Dunn saw the first class he taught as a first-year teacher graduate. “So that was pretty special. Now I know everyone in this school, which is a cool situation to be in,” Mr. Dunn, math teacher. He thinks of how surreal it is that he has been teaching longer than he went to college and high school. For Mr. Dunn, his favorite thing about teaching is spending time with the kids,” love math but I really like when I’m able to talk to students, get to know students, see students having fun,” Mr. Dunn. One thing about teaching he likes is seeing his students being able to be kids.

For Mr. Dunn, his year so far has been good, but busy. Last year he started coaching varsity volleyball. Which he finds to be a pretty big commitment. This year he got a new curriculum for his class, he had to adjust to it but he finds  it interesting. “I do it for the kids, the kids are still the kids, it’s still a lot of fun,” Mr. Dunn said.

Outside of school Mr. Dunn had many hobbies and interests. He says, “I like working out, going to the gym, or playing basketball, going on runs, I like to bike, going hiking, and being active is definitely one of my big hobbies.” He also has dogs. He spends a lot of his time with them, playing with them, playing fetch or tug of war, or taking them on walks. Other than that he watches sports , watches football, and plays fantasy football a lot. Another interesting hobby that Mr. Dunn has, is that he collects watches.

Inside of school Mr. Dunn has a rubix cube club. He’s been solving rubix cubes since he was in high school. He used to do it all day everyday but now does it more just at school, but still loves it. “In college I was pretty interested in speedcubing. To solve it as fast as possible, my fastest time is 11.05 seconds for a 3×3, a traditional rubix cube,” Mr. Dunn. while in college Mr. Dunn used to track his progress and and statistics on an app he used.. He used to try to do a thousand solves every week in college.